Senior Veteran Services
After everything they’ve done for our country, we believe that our veterans deserve to be taken care of in return. In addition to our usual services, veterans may be eligible for supplemental care through one of two of the VA’s Benefits for Elderly Veterans Programs.
Two VA programs provide certain elderly Veterans with additional financial compensation if they are eligible for or receiving a VA Pension benefit–Aid and Attendance or Housebound.
Aid and Attendance (A&A) is an increased monthly pension amount for those who meet the following criteria:
- You require help performing daily functions, which may include bathing, eating, or dressing.
- You are bedridden.
- You are a patient in a nursing home.
- Your eyesight is limited to a corrected 5/200 visual acuity or less in both eyes, or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less.
- Housebound is an increased monthly pension amount paid if you are substantially confined to your immediate premises because of a permanent disability.
Housebound is an increased monthly pension paid if the recipient is confined to their immediate premises because of a permanent disability.
Caregivers of veterans may also receive special consideration. You may be a caregiver for a veteran if you provide:
- Emotional and physical support
- Assistance in the care of a disabling wound, injury, or illness
- Advocate for their proper treatment and care
Qualifying Veterans for Services
Your Area Agency on Aging’s Information and Assistance team can assist you with applying for VA benefits and navigating the assessment and set up process. If you are approved, our Information and Assistance Specialists will help you determine if Veterans’ Assistance will help provide for services through our Agency. If you are not able to use services through our agency, we can help you find the resources and services in your area for which you are eligible.

What You Need To Know
- Veterans may have access to special benefits to cover their care expenses
- Your Veterans’ Assistance may help provide for services through your Area Agency on Aging such as in-home care
- We will help you apply for any benefits to which you are entitled
- We will help you discover, apply for, and coordinate any services that you may need
Senior Veteran Services Near Me
If you have any questions about whether you qualify for senior veteran services or about the care to which you are entitled as a veteran, contact your local Area Agency on Aging’s Information and Assistance team. Select your region and we will connect you with resources and services in your area. Even if you are not able to use our services through your Veterans’ Assistance compensation, we are happy to help you find, apply for, and coordinate the care services that you need.